GLGA’s Professional Development Academy
Looking for a convenient way to expand your knowledge of print and build professional development? If so, GLGA’s industry specific training is for you!
More than 65 Individual Lessons
The lessons span the entire print industry
Print Industry specific training focused on the fundamentals of print and graphic communications is now available as a no-cost benefit to Great Lakes Graphics Association members.
Introduction to Production Printing
Get introduced to the essential applications, six primary types of printers, and the typical components of the organization.
Inside the Print Shop
Introduction to Finishing
Selling Strategies for Print
This course covers how a wide range of printers approach the selling process including the elements, strategy and unique sales cycles.
Operations of a Print Services Provider
During this course, we cover the typical organizational structure, including the purpose of the departments, respective staffing and processes required.
Print Workflow and Processes
Learn the essentials of workflows and how efficiencies benefits smoother production processes.
Vertical Markets for Print
During this course, we explore the different markets that printers serve and the trends, statistics, and opportunities for print service providers.
Market Update
National Council Testing Improves Productivity!
Assessment testing through the National Council of our sheetfed operators aids in facilitating a culture of learning in the pressroom. This also allows management to see the training priorities and what areas we need to focus on more for either the individual, or the group. Our investment in training always increases knowledge, which in turn motivates and promotes a more productive workforce.

Greg Workman, Director of Printing Technology – Innomark

I am an employee of a GLGA Member Company. Do I have free access to the GLGA Print Academy?
Yes. Simply register for your own username and password and you will be granted access to all the courses, lessons and quizzes.
How many courses and lessons are there?
The GLGA Print Academy currently offers 8 course tracks with 72 total lessons for all areas of print. Check back soon, as we continue to develop new lessons.
I am a student in middle school or high school. Are these lessons for me?
Absolutely. All the lessons are free to students and educators throughout Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin and are self-paced.
What happens if I complete all the courses and successfully pass all the quizzes?
If you successfully complete all the lessons and score at least a 70% on all the quizzes, GLGA will award you with a certificate of completion.
Do I have to watch all the lessons or even take the quizzes?
No. If you just wish to interact with the lessons you are interested in, you can do so at your own pace. You do not have to take quizzes unless you are interested in receiving a certificate of completion.
Are these the only lessons offered by the GLGA Academy?
Yes, for now. However, the Association plans to continue developing courses that help to further the professional development of current and future industry employees.
Do you have to complete lessons in a certain time period?
No. Please take as much time as you would like. If you do not successfully pass a quiz the first time, take some time to retake the quiz until you successful complete it.
Free Access to GLGA Members
All member companies and their employees are eligible to access the GLGA Print Academy Courses and Lessons for free. Please click here to login.

Subscription-Based Program
Not a member GLGA but wish to purchase a subscription to the GLGA Print Academy? Please contact us at (262) 522-2210 to discuss next steps.
Ready to get started?
Get in touch, or create an account